Why IoT is the future at the enterprise level

Artificial Intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) are technologies widely rooted in the production of goods and services and are about to expand even further. Those who decide to invest in the sector are always well rewarded.

Thanks also to the small size of the hardware, it is possible to manage the servers in house, having full control over your IoT remotely.

Definition and practical examples of IoT

The Internet of Things is a set of software that allows different machines to interface, requiring limited or practically no human intervention. Thanks to specialized sensors and hardware, the IoT analyzes the starting situation and optimizes production in order to reduce waste and maximize profit.

This technology makes use of the Machine Learning process, something very similar to the human concept of “experience”. Although the production can theoretically be perfectly schematised, unexpected events could always arise. The Machine Learning system “learns” from past events and calibrates its strategies accordingly.

Is the Internet of Things used in Italy?

The Italian entrepreneurial panorama, being mainly composed of small and medium-sized enterprises, has unfortunately not widely adopted innovative production systems.

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